Основные изменения, которые дает МОД: Текст автора - (Elvain), перевод http//:inernetwars.ru (King Augustus) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ - Стоимость найма рыцарей понижена, чтобы побудить AI использовать их. Содержание рыцарей также сбалансировано- первый почти обходится почти бесполатно, второй - приемлимо, но не дешево, третьего может позволить себе только состоятельное королевство. - Сбалансирована сила юнитов: Сила стрелы уменьшена, сила брони увеличена. - Ивеличено число юнитов в отряде. -усталость от войны теперь не самый важный фактор, влияющий на настроение населения. Больший эффект производят грабежи вражеской армии. - Повстанцы стали сильнее, но появляются не так часто.Если их игронрировать, их армии будут резко усиливаться. - Показатель силы ( KP) королевста уменьшается, если вассал требует независимости. - Прибыль получаемая от грабежей, производимых вашими рыцарями несколько понижена. - Изменены наследственные требования на территорию: Требования на союзническую территорию не слишком популярны. - Изменнена система прибылей от тороговли. У кого нет товара,тот не получает прибыли. - Альянсы сохраняются дольше времени и стали крепче. - Продовльствие для армии обходится дороже. - Изменены приоритеты для крестоносцев: прежде всего они посылаются против невреных, "отлученные" католические короли также имеют тот же рискподвергнутся удару "крестоносцев", чем православные правители. - Правители, управляемые Ai стали более благородны, но также более агрессивны. Почти каждое большое королевство активно использует шпионаж. - Стоимость городских улучшений несколько снижена - Снижена стоимость содержания шпионов, чтобы AI использовал их чаще. Ai может требовать и получать наследственные территории после смерти кородя не только с Игрока, но и с другого AI. - Усилены бонусы губернаторов (строитель, фермер, торговец,священник). Иметь "фермера" и "строителя" стало очень выгодно. Кроме того нанять и содержать "фермера" и "строителя" стало дешевле. - Крестоносцы по пути к главной цели могут напасть на правителя, ведущего войну против католического королевства. - AI заинтересован в проведении "благоролной политики", чтобы завоевать популярность. Например, предоставление независимости увеличивает силу королевства на международной арене. - АI активнее совершенствует армию и экономику. Полный список изменений в МОДе (english txt) --------------------------------------------- - war exhaustion is now only a marginal part of kingdom happiness, plundering now affects it much more - Kingdom power: gold benefit is inverted: - KP = +gold, -happiness + KP = -gold, +happiness edited KP decreases when vasal claims independency: vasals KP rises, overlords KP drops - costs of knights education are balanced to engourage AI to educate clerics first and earn even more books - some knight skills edited a little, benefit from plundering lowered - claims to inheriting territories edited: demending allies territory is not very popular as well as demanding country with no relations or even at war - trade profits tuned down. Who doesn't have anything to offer, has no profit - relations little edited to make alliances last longer and be firmer... - army food cost rised - hiring of knights is cheaper(to encourage AI to use them), upkeeps ballanced (1marshal is almost free, second affordable-but not cheap, third only for wealthy kingdoms) - province population copied from GoG1.6 - resources limit tuned up to 1200(piety and books), starting gold is now higher - taxes - amost copied from GoG1.6 - adpoting costs 110 per nostalgy point, is affordable even at war - crusade values edited - pagans have the highest probability, excomunicated catholics are now more likely to be targeted by a crusade as well as orthodox. also ruling catholic and orthodox provinces adds "crusade points" as well as wars with all christian confessions - Ai personalities edited to be more honorable but also agressive. Almost every larger kingdom uses espionage now. - ballanced rebels: are stronger than in vanilla(weaker compared to HR1.4) but they appear more rarely(but still often enough to presennt danger) if left untouched, their armies rise to be very hard to defeat - religious bonuses lowered in most of cases - unit stats ballanced. Ranged units tuned down, armoured units improved - squad numbers increased - building costs edited, mostly are now cheaper - one more new building: madrase - muslim upgrade of university-vary rare - new quests added - the most important cities give their AI owners gold bonuses when taken From previous versions: - Tuned down the kingdom advantages. - Experimented with spy's abilities. In theory every spy should now be able to spread nasty gossips and educate himself even when infiltrated. (Please try this out!) - Tuned down financial benefits from kingdom power. - Tuned down trade revenues. - Lowered spy upkeeps and improved AI usage of espionage slightly. - Made chances of AI demand provinces from AI equal to AI demand from Play after King's death. - Improved governors' bonuses (Builder, Farmer, Trader, Cleric). Having Farmers and Builders is now senseful. - Changed upkeep and hire costs: Marshalls are more expensive that one must consider having more than 2, but still it will not ruin your economy(if one likes to play have marshalls only, he can, but needs high income) Farmers and Builders are now much more cheaper Cleric improves happines in the provinces now - Changed education costs similarly: Builders and Landlords have lower cost Cleric has given advantage in comparison to trader(to motivate AI to educate clerics first) Spy can't be educated to 5th level, for it he needs some action - You now need 110 books to remove 1 point of nostalgy. - Limit of max books and piety is now 1200 instead of 1000 - Fastened pagan-convert-time to help pagans persist through the game. - Tweaked crusades towards countries that are at war with catholics. Works fine. - Tweaked AI towards more honorful behaviour and diplomacy in the world view. Granting independence raises kingdom power for instance - Changed AI building behaviour to make better units available and to motivate Ai to improve his economy. Seems to work fine. ~ Hard difficulty level: Raised number of desired squads for battles. Should make the AI build more squads for fighting. ~ Minor changes you won't really notice. I hope they make the game more convenient nevertheless. (changes marked with an ~ are not completely testable. Refer to them as beta-changes.) - Raised the war exhaustion cap - Lowered duration of happyness-penalty of war taxes - Lowered catholic money bonus - Lowered dependent orthodox morale penalty, raised their books bonus - Lowered pagan money penalty, improved their morale bonus - Jihads and Crusades are now cheaper - Jihads will last longer now - Adjusted chances for claiming lands after marriages. Allies should claim very seldomly, all others quite often. - Raised costs for improving kingdom power - Adjusted tresholds and values for voting the emperor - Made loyalists nearly always pop up when former owner has entered the province and there is still nostalgy - Rebels should now be really tough but still manageable - Rebel armies grow by time, loyalists are stronger than local rebels (to help border stability but prevent breaking of big kingdoms to small ones) - new buildings added_ Hospital for christians and muslims Temple for pagans (now they can have books and educate their knights) - Few buildings are no longer separate buildings but upgrades: Tax collector -- Market Armoury - Chain mail workshop - scale armoury - plate armoury Vineyard - Winery - Adjusted prices of buildings to motivate the AI to have advanced buildings and units - Advanced military buildings are cheaper, but have constant cost of money (fortifications, mastersmithies, defence upgrades) - some unit stats changed: units that require armoury buildings have by now some stable defense (armoury=5, chainmail=8,scale=15, plate=20) units with shields have additional defense (small shield=3, large shiled=6) archers have lower range - palisade or castle wall is by now better protection than before, archers are not so undefeatable as before - units availability changed: Jerusalem (and Latins) has crusader units as kingdom special units etc. feudal knights are more spreaded around western Europe, as wel as some other units elsewhere - new uniting quests added: Holy Roman Empire can be reunited by Germany and other HRE nations Roman empire can now be reunited by France, Holy Roman Empire and Byzantia uniting of England enabled also to Wessex, East Anglia and York when AI rebel kingdoms appear and reunite whole former kingdom (Krakow replaces whole Poland) the old kingdom is restored: made for Germany, France, Hungary, Poland, Bohemia, Aragon, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Ottomans, Sicily and Scotland - many realms(mostly German, Portugeese, Russian, African and Anatolian) and several kingdoms(Ukraine, Gelre) renamed - new kingdoms added and their shapes changed (look at politmaps for shape changes) as well as heraldry of some Early period - Lotharingia extended to Low countries and became german vassal, pagan Prussia emerged as well as Carinthia and dominions of south Italian Normans(Robert Guiscard-able to unite kingdom of Sicily) High Period - Ayyubid sultanate added (Fatimids+Baghdad), Flandre and Tolouse added as french vassals, Pagan prussia, Holy Roman empire emerged and extended to Italy(except Legue of Lombardy-also new kingdom) Late Period - Armenia moved to Kilikia, new duchies in HRE area: Bavaria and Carinthia(austrian vassal), Bohemia extended to Silesia, Flandre and Holland(former Gelre) burgundian vassals, Ireland united, - kingdom titles changed to be more realistic (Teutonic order=dominion, Geonoa and Venice=republics, Switzerland=confederations and more) - names of kings changed in many cases - mostly to be French in French kingdoms, German in German kingdoms, Hungarian in Hungary etc. instead of English: Barbarossa called himself Friedrich, not Frederick) - new knight nationalities added (carinthian, dutch, croatian separated from serbian), some are translocated, many got new and better names Modified files: defs\economy\advantages.in2 defs\economy\ai_build.in2 defs\evonomy\buildings.in2 defs\evonomy\town_templates.in2 defs\evonomy\units.in2 defs\Knights\educatecosts.in2 defs\Knights\menu.in2 defs\Knights\skills.in2 defs\Knights\spies.ini defs\Misc\claim.in2 defs\Misc\econst.in2 defs\Misc\personalities.in2 defs\Misc\morale.in2 defs\Quests\questinfo.in2 defs\Quests\unite_england.in2 defs\Quests\unite_italy.in2 defs\Rebels\rconst.in2 defs\religion\modifiers.in2 defs\Spies\infiltrate.in2 defs\Units\Military\units.txt defs\difficulty.in2 defs\globals.in2 maps\europe\kings\aragon;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\aragon;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Armenia;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\Armenia;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Austria;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\Bohemia;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\Bohemia;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Bohemia;800.txt maps\europe\kings\Brandenburg;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Burgundy;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Burgundy;800.txt maps\europe\kings\castilia;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\castilia;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\france;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\france;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\france;800.txt maps\europe\kings\gelre;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\germany;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\germany;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\germany;800.txt maps\europe\kings\hungary;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\hungary;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\hungary;800.txt maps\europe\kings\jerusalem;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\savoy;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\serbia;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\serbia;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\suzdal;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\teuton knights;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\venice;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\venice;1200.txt maps\europe\knights\baltic.in2 maps\europe\knights\france.in2 maps\europe\knights\moravia.in2 maps\europe\knights\regions_1000.ini maps\europe\knights\regions_1200.ini maps\europe\knights\regions_800.ini maps\europe\knights\serbia.in2 maps\europe\map\kingdoms_1000.ini maps\europe\map\kingdoms_1200.ini maps\europe\map\kingdoms_800.ini maps\europe\map\towns.ini maps\europe\map\TrainUnits.txt maps\europe\map\TrainUnits.xls maps\europe\map\vassals.ini maps\europe\politmap\kingdomnamepos0.in2 maps\europe\politmap\kingdomnamepos1.in2 maps\europe\politmap\kingdomnamepos2.in2 Texts\economy\buildings.ini Texts\economy\buildings;2.ini Texts\knights\eu_knights.tsv Texts\knights\eu_knights;2.tsv Texts\knights\titles;more.tsv Texts\map\eu_kingdomdescr.txt Texts\map\eu_realms.tsv Texts\map\eu_realms;2.tsv Texts\map\eu_towns.tsv Texts\map\eu_towns;2.tsv Texts\map\kingdoms.tsv Texts\religion\misionary.ini Added folowing new files: defs\Quests\unite_aragonia.in2 defs\Quests\unite_armenia.in2 defs\Quests\unite_bohemia.in2 defs\Quests\unite_denmark.in2 defs\Quests\unite_francia.in2 defs\Quests\unite_germania.in2 defs\Quests\unite_holy roman empire.in2 defs\Quests\unite_HRE.in2 defs\Quests\unite_hungary.in2 defs\Quests\unite_norway.in2 defs\Quests\unite_ottomania.in2 defs\Quests\unite_polska.in2 defs\Quests\unite_rome.in2 defs\Quests\unite_rus.in2 defs\Quests\unite_scotia.in2 defs\Quests\unite_sicily.in2 defs\Quests\unite_sweden.in2 images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\hospital.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\hospital_l.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\hospital_s.rle images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\opital.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\opital_l.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\opital_s.rle images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\temple.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\temple_l.bmp images\screens\PlayWnd\economy\icons\buildings\temple_s.rle maps\europe\kings\ayyubids;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\bavarya;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\carinthia;800.txt maps\europe\kings\carinthia;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\flandre;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\flandre;1200.txt maps\europe\kings\Holy Roman Empire;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\lombardy;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\prussia;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\prussia;800.txt maps\europe\kings\suzdal;1000.txt maps\europe\kings\tolouse;1000.txt maps\europe\knights\carinthian.in2 maps\europe\knights\croatia.in2 maps\europe\knights\dutch.in2 If anyone has gather information about these files, please submit.